Who gets to decide what counts as an 'anti-semitic trope'?
Also, I think you're putting words in the author's mouth. The author did not say: "the Jews control banking/media/Hollywood etc." They were pointing out the well-reported fact that many ardent and extremely vocal and influential apologists/supporters for the policies of the state of Israel have been voicing frustration at the fact that pro-Israeli content is not 'performing' as well as they'd like on TikTok.
I don't think pointing out that Israel has very powerful, wealthy and influential donors and lobbying interests in the US is 'anti-semitic'. It's fact. AIPAC's own site boasts about the power and influence and money it raises in support of the state of Israel: https://www.aipacpac.org/home
Is AIPAC anti-semitic for publishing the large sums of money it raises and spends lobbying for Israel, much of which goes into media and campaign efforts? Is this 'Jews controlling the media'... or is this a reality/fact that AIPAC itself boasts?
AIPAC is regarded as one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the US (according to the WIKI page). Is this anti-semitic? Is it anti-semitic to point out that the US spends an immense amount of our tax dollars on aid/weapons to Israel? Is it anti-semitic to wonder what these aid/weapons I helped buy are being used for?
Am I a 'Hamas supporter' for asking why we give more aid to this one country than any other, when there's so much we could be spending it on here in the US? I'm sure some would say it's anti-semitic to suggest cutting aid to Israel... but the US has cut aid to many other countries and no one complained about it being 'racist' towards them. Many people are questioning the amount of aid going to Ukraine too, but I don't really hear cries of 'anti-slavic' or racism.
What I find interesting, is it always seems to be the people hurling the term 'anti-semitism' around everywhere that are the ones that often drag religion into debates that really had nothing to do with it. Israel's targeting strategy and use of US-funded weapons is not really a 'religious' issue. I don't understand how questioning a budget line item in our tax expenditure is 'anti-semitic'.
At this point, I'm wondering if my toothbrush is also 'anti-semitic', for failing to emphatically denounce Hamas everytime I go near it.