What amazes me whenever I read these sorts of articles that paint Iran as the justification for these ongoing wars is this:
Iran itself is a product of US/Western imperialism and meddling and failed 'regime change'. If anything, Iran is a product (and cautionary tale) of US intervention and meddling in the region - not the reason that we should have more.
Plenty of commenters here are accusing those critical of Israel of not knowing history, but it seems they are oblivious to the history of Iran, or how US Imperialism worked to overthrow a democratically-elected leader in Iran, impose a tyrant, and then the inevitable revolution/backlash this caused which was exploited by the Islamic fundamentalists to seize power.
I don't think the solution to fighting against religious fundamentalism and theocracies of the Islamic variety is to emphatically support the fanatical Jewish variety.
This attempt to paint the ethnic cleansing occurring in Gaza as some sort of noble fight to preserve freedom or 'democracy' is comical. The US empire has been one of the most powerful forces in squashing democracy and propping up tyrannical regimes as long as it served its capitalistic interests to do so.
The US empire doesn't stand for 'freedom' or democracy any more than Israel does. Both are highly flawed forms of it. At least in the United States though, we have the Establishment clause which prohibits our government from establishing one official 'state' religion. Israel's entire identity and existence is based on 1 of the fundamental principles the US was supposedly founded in opposition to: State-sponsored religion and religious identity.
In this sense, Israel is a wildly different type of country than the US is today, with wildly different principles. It's more like the US during Jim Crow, with an ideology of segregation and separation and Apartheid, rather than a true democracy where all people - regardless of race/religion are given equal footing in society. If this were not the case, then Israel wouldn't have the need to pass draconian bills steeped in racial superiority such as this:
I don't think Jim Crow was a good thing to support and it needed to be done away with. The current apartheid policies of Israel need to be done away with as well - not emphatically supported and cheered on.