This is probably AI or bot-generated garbage spit out by an 'engagement troll' and I'm sure I'm wasting my time even paying attention to this vitriolic hate speech but here goes..
Why adhere to any ancient barbaric religion? All religious texts urge their followers to do things that are unacceptable in modern times, like the bible explaining the fair price that should be paid for buying women as concubines (or stoning them to death). The reality is, most modern followers of all ancient religions adapt it to modern times, taking what they think applies to them, and leaving out the parts that don't.
The irony here, my friend is that you are advocating for the very religious fundamentalist ideals that lead people down the path of becoming a terrorist by 1) de-ligitimizing an entire group of people based on archaic ancient crap that men wrote down years ago claiming to be the word of god 2) Saying your god and/or religion is superior than theirs and 3) Ultimately, coming to the conclusion that all of these people suck and so must be eliminated.
"logical coherence within the context of the scriptural worldview"... What a joke. The very belief that ancient mythological folktales - supposedly 'the word' from some sort of sky spirit - have anything to do with 'logical coherence' is itself extremely illogical.
Honestly, I'm more afraid of people like you than the majority of Muslims. The reason being, that you espouse the exact 'reasoning' that is used to justify the USA's/West's brutally violent agenda of world conquest and endless wars and decades-long indiscriminate bombing campaigns of 'primitive' and 'backwards' people due to them being the 'wrong' religion or whatnot. The US with all its supposed 'Judeo-Christian' values (barf) has committed and inflicted hands down - and by far - the most death, carnage, and human suffering of any country since its inception. It's been at war longer than it's been at peace and is the only country to have used nuclear weapons.
Instead of whining about what group's ancient books says this or that, perhaps it would be more useful for you to look at what's actually going on in the modern world, and take a body count of which side has actually done the most killing and is responsible for destroying entire countries, infrastructures, and societies... not to mention the genocides and Nakhbas on which these countries were founded.
At this given moment, who is dropping US-made 2,000lb bombs on schools, hospitals, and dense population centers in a capital city of a sovereign country? Is it Muslims? Or is it the USA via it's proxy puppet Israel, putting all those excellent Judeo-Chrstian values in action slaughtering homeless refugees with million-dollar 'smart' bombs?
You are the very thing you pretend to rail against. Claiming to be more righteous than those you deem 'not nice' while spouting the very tripe and propoganda of the world's #1 terroristic entity.. all while calling it 'democracy' or 'freedom' or 'Judeo-Christian values'.
The Christian or Jew (or Buddhist for that matter as there are terroristic fanatical Buddhists extremists in the world too) claiming that his/her religion is right and that he is superior to the Muslim because his/her God says so, with delusions of grandeur and a belief that they are their god's 'chosen people' is just as idiotic and prone to arrive at terroristic and genocidal 'conclusions' and tendencies as the Muslim who claims the same.