This is an amusing statement of hubris considering Israel's own military leaders admit that it could not sustain the current pace of military operations for more than a few months without a constant flow of arms shipments and military aid from the United States.
I think the real suckers - as usual - are the working class folks of both the US and Israel being led down the primrose path into another quagmire that they will have to fund and die in by their ruling class, all while Elbit Systems and Lockheed Martin rake in bumper profits.
This idea that you can unequivocally smash an insurgency with overwhelming firepower is the 1 lesson the US and and its proxies never learn...
This is the same juvenile thinking that led to the failures in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Even if Hamas is neutralized, the phenomenon of terrorism will never be as long as the conditions that fuel it remain.
The western world wants its imperialism without the anger and resentment that comes as the inevitable consequence of exploiting others. This is a fool's errand. Despite all the hubris to the contrary, Israel is absolutely a proxy for US Imperialism, and will forever be a target as such.