This is a total joke. Aside from the fact that this sort of pedantic numerical hair-splitting to try to make the 30:1 death ratio seem palatable, it's also just offensive and cringe. These deaths are people, not numbers.
It's also based on the silly notion that every teenage male in Gaza is affiliated somehow with Hamas. That's the 'trick' IDF apologists are using here to explain away the wanton and deliberate targeting and destruction of civilian infrastructure: Anyone who might know someone who knows someone that is Hamas is... Hamas. If you you happen to live in a building with someone who might know someone who is Hamas, you're also Hamas, and the AI-generated targeting of your apartment building is approved as 'acceptable' collateral damage and destroyed. It's a witchhunt of the worst kind
Besides killing a disproportionate number of civilians, the friendly fire and accident rate of the IDF is far higher than in other conflicts too. So the other thing the IDF kills in unacceptable numbers besides civilians, is each other, or their own hostages.