Third, while the indigenous people of the Americas were pushed onto reservations, those Palestinians who stayed behind during Israel's war of independence are still in the villages of their ancestors
I appreciate the acknowledgement here at least that Palestinians are indigenous to the area (akin to the indigenous of the Americas).
A lot of pro-Zionists try to argue that Palestinians who were displaced in the Nakhba were the invading 'occupiers' and that the Zionists are the sole indigenous 'de-colonizers'.
According to LDS/Mormons and their Scripture (The Book of Mormon), white people ('Nephites') did once have a thriving civilization in the Americas that was eventually wiped out by the dark-skinned 'Lamanites' (believed to be the ancestors of present-day indigenous Americans). They too have narratives of Zionism, and called the various places they tried to settle (amidst persecution) Zion, including Salt Lake City where they finally settled for good.
Who knows if any of that is true, but who am I to question the religious scripture of religion that boasts more adherents than Judaism in the world?
I wonder if they view white people in the US 'de-colonizers'. I know they certainly regard their ancestors as 'pioneers'.