The conflict in the Middle East did not begin on Oct. 7. Likewise, the conflict in Ukraine did not begin on Feb 24, 2022.
Ukraine started bombing its own people in the East of the country when they wanted to split away, become independent and align with Russia. Russia of course backed this. The conflict in the East had been going on since at least 2014.
Here's an article about Ukraine using cluster munitions against its own people in Donetsk in 2014:
Ukraine also has known Fascist and neo-Nazi elements in its Army (the Azov Brigade). These Ukrainian ultra-nationalists view Stepan Bandera as their hero. Stepan Bandera allied with Hitler during WW2 and led Nazi-affiliated Ukrainian military units (which the Azov Brigade traces its pedigree to).
So, let's recap: Bombs own people. Aligns with Nazis. Slaughtered Jews. Are you sure you really want to equate Israel with Ukraine in your analogy?
I think the for more accurate comparison is: Ukraine (or at least its puppet Western government) is like Hamas, and Russia is like Israel. Militarily this makes sense too: Russia militarily is the much more powerful and well-armed force, just as nuclear-armed Israel is vastly more powerful than Iran and its proxies.
What the Ukraine conflict really shows when compared to that in the Middle East, is the hypocrisy of Western Imperialism and what it backs. In Ukraine, the US throws its weight behind the inferior military confronting the regional imperial power (Russia).
In the Middle East, the US backs the dominant military and nuclear power (Israel) against a much weaker Iran and its proxies.
This idea that Israel or Ukraine is the 'righteous' side because the US backs it is nonsense. The US backs whatever aligns with its interests in a particular region at any given moment, and these are subject to shift often and irrationally.
It's also not correct to regard Russia's invasion of Ukraine 'unprovoked'. There were years of Western and Ukrainian provocations that led up to Feb 24, not the least of which is NATO's constant encroachment on Russian interests despite US assurances that this would cease. And of course, the aforementioned attacks by Ukraine on its own citizens.
What Ukraine and Israel do have in common, is that they are both used (or exploited) as proxies by the US to secure its interests in both regions. The US sends Ukrainians to die (instead of Americans) in an effort to weaken Russia, and Israel does the 'dirty work' of US Imperialism in the Middle East by acting as a foil against Iran.