Thank you so much for this article, and for having the courage to face down the absolute onslaught of trolls and propaganda trying desperately to 'sell' this as a just war to the world, even as the world is finally starting to see it for what it really is.
I spent quite a while trying to explain this very point to someone criticizing me for criticizing the actions of Israel, using the Sudan as an example. They were using the whole: "You don't have a proven documented record of ever speaking out against X, so therefore you cannot speak out against Y, and if you do, you're being anti-Semitic".
I tried to point out what you so succinctly pointed out here: We thought Israel was (at least trying) to present itself as a legitimate, Western-style democracy that cared about human rights and was able to be the adult in the room and show discipline and restraint. I guess we were wrong.
The other significant point (at least to me) is that as an American, our tax dollars are going to help supply the weapons for this carnage. So in it way, it's not just Israel - the US is absolutely complicit in this too and its being done in our name, using our tax dollars.
My American tax dollars never went to fund the groups responsible for the violence an genocide in Sudan (as far as I'm aware). That's a fundamental reason why citizens in Western countries who back Israel politically, financially, and militarily have every right to protest how their support is being used (or increasingly abused)!
Great article! I'm glad I discovered your writing here!