Sure, but it matters little because I am not a Russian nor Chinese citizen, nor do I pay taxes in these countries. I will never be drafted to fight in their military either.
If other countries want to entangle themselves in the affairs of Russia or China, that's their own decision. If they want to become indebted to China (as opposed to the US), that's also their own decision.
Demanding that I should instead worry about China or Russia rather than the policies of my own country which I am a citizen of is absurd.
As a US citizen, I'm primarily concerned with the way our country allocates its tax dollars, and the wars we start and fund, and the consequences of our foreign policy.
I think the true double standard is the demand that the US should arm and back various entities around the world, but China and Russia should not (or should be criticized for doing so).
China and Russia are merely playing the same game the US plays, and they do so primarily to counter the US.
"Most Arab states have realised that a strong Israel is in their own interest."
Excellent. They can meddle or invest in it then.
Appeasement is better than meddling and making the situation worse, or causing the trouble in the first place.
What you're calling 'appeasement' would really be the US disengaging from a conflict that is detrimental to its own interests, and increasingly unpopular with its citizens.
Was it 'appeasement' to withdraw from Afghanistan after 20+ years of failure there? In hindsight, the US should never have gotten involved. It accomplished nothing.
'Appeasement' (or not interfering) would probably have been a better policy towards Iran too in the 1970's rather than engineering coups and imposing dictatorial regimes on the Iranian people that eventually led to the revolution that brought the present Islamist regime to power.
What you're really calling for is the USA's continuing appeasement of Israel and the powerful pro-Israel lobby in the US, by acquiescing to its every demand which ensures a constant flow of weaponry to fuel these conflicts.