Sure, but I think the fundamental difference here is you had Israelis - as tourists and guests - burning flags (including the flag of the host country) and engaging in general hooliganism against the locals.
Do Arabs scream "Death to the Jews" and burn flags in downtown Tel Aviv? If so, what do you imagine would happen to them? Would there be consequences?
I'm sure Israelis burn Palestinian flags all the time too... in Israel where that is tolerated, normalized and even celebrated. But, that overt racism isn't as normalized or tolerated in other countries where people have managed to figure out how to do what the Holy Lands seemingly cannot: live in peace with their neighbors of different backgrounds and faiths.
So yeah, when foreign hooligans come to a more tolerant city trying to import their toxic brand of hate from the 'Holy Lands', there is going to be this thing called... consequences.
Not everywhere is Israel (much to the chagrin of Zionists) and not everywhere is it acceptable to be as overtly racist as one can probably get away with being in Israel too against Arabs.