One thing I've noticed while writing on this topic is that many of the supporters of Israeli policies are extreme pedants when it comes to debating arcane minutia about historical treaties. I don't doubt that some of them are indeed well-practiced in debating this topic and knowledgeable about history. My guess is that some might even be paid and/or trained to do so professionally.
However, they do this intentionally to make you feel like you're not allowed to have an opinion on any of this unless you have a PhD or are some kind of distinguished historian.
That's nonsense. You have a right to have an opinion on this simply on merit of being human. This is not just an assault on the rights and lives of Palestinians - it's an assault on humanity, and the values of human decency.
It's also an attack on the values and principles of the countries that are supporting this, as our political and material support is being hijacked and used by an extremist ideology to commit atrocities and egregious human rights violations. The goal is to badger us into going along with this, while shouting down anyone who protests or resists being a forced complicit actor by way of living in a country where we are told that we must 'stand with Israel' no matter what, and that it would be anti-Semitic to do otherwise, regardless of how Israel uses that support.
Much of the history they attempt to 'school' you on and lecture you about sanctimoniously is comically skewed so as to blame the Arabs or anyone other than Israel's actions for every failed negotiation, every war, even every Palestinian casualty...
It's just eloquent and intellectually-decorated BS. It's the same propaganda talking points attempting to justify racial or ethnic supremacy and colonization disguised as 'rights' or 'complex history' and repackaged at a slightly higher reading level to give an air of superiority and sophistication.
The history may be complex, but the truth is not.
It's ethnic cleansing devolving into outright genocide using 'security' as the pretext and excuse. The goal has always been about seizing more and more land for one ethnic or religiously-defined group at the expense of the other.
The thing is, we've seen this before in history, with all the same tell-tale signs. There is really nothing 'complex' or special about it this time, except perhaps the brutal sophistication of the propaganda apparatus being leveraged at the public in an attempt to justify it.