No one can stop you from using the option number 4 and to move to Cuba!
The US government can. It is forbidden and illegal for an American to travel to Cuba, without US government approval for diplomatic or humanitarian reasons. You can't even visit Cuba as an American, much less move there due to the US sanctions/embargo.
I'm guessing you don't live in the US, because you don't seem to really know much about what the government is really like here, or that there are things like travel restrictions to Cuba.
You'd also realize that voting is mostly a joke. Neither party represents the interests of the common people. For example, there is a presidential election tomorrow here, with 2 major candidates running. Both are in support of giving weapons to Israel, because both represent the ruling class of the US empire. There are no true options to vote for.
As far as option 1, I'm doing that right now - expressing my views on a (virtual) public forum.
I don't dispute that you can speak, vote, and file lawsuits in the US. However, what I do dispute is the effectiveness of these options in actually making any real meaningful change.
Also, you listed 3 options but numbered the last one 4, so I'm not sure if you forgot a suggestion, or just made a mistake counting.