My point was, historical figures in the past have supported and praised things that have turned out to be not so good.
LLoyd George praised Hitler prior to WW2. Hitler turned out to be not so good.
Just because MLK may have supported Zionism in the 1960's does not mean that it is perfect, or that it hasn't gone on to evolve into something detrimental for the region and peace/stability.
Taking quotes from people in the 1960's that are no longer living, and then trying to use them to justify current events is dubious at best, and not a very compelling argument.
The fact is, nothing MLK said in the 1960's can justify the war and destruction that Israel is currently bringing on Gaza and Lebanon.
There might be arguments for the war. I don't think I've heard many good ones. But, somehow insinuating that MLK would be in support of it is absurd.