Maybe the threat is self-inflicted, by insisting on trying to occupy a hornet's nest due to religious zealotry, then demanding that the US taxpayers subsidize the inevitable unsustainable security situation and violence this inevitably results in.
It kind of reminds me of people who insist on living in floodplains right on coastal areas and demand that the American public subsidize their efforts to re-build their house every year, because they refuse to acknowledge the realities of rising oceans and climate change.
Why should the US taxypayer be on the hook for this nonsense? Israel is by far the greatest expense to the US taxpayer in terms of foreign and military aid to another country. We've got other things we could be spending this money on, fixing all the terrible infrastructure and homelessness in our own country.
Why are Americans paying for weapons that make more homeless refugees in the Middle East and pad the pockets of the defense company executives, when we can't even solve our own problems?
I haven't really seen any good explanation of how arming and financing religious zealots to bomb other religious zealots improves our life here in the US. We've been doing that for decades now, and it's only made terrorism and instability in the region worse.
Most of these problems (Israel, Iran) are products of Western Imperialism's own making, trying to pick winners and losers in a region they understand little about (and frankly, don't care much about either, except to control resources and oil).
Israel was one of the worst geopolitical mistake of the 20th century. This is actually hurting Jews, not helping them, like how the US-backed proxy war in Ukraine is getting Ukrainians killed, not helping them either.
Insisting that we should pay for more people to die in more wars, so Lockheed Martin gets a fat profit isn't really all that noble. If these are the 'American values' we're defending, then perhaps 'western values' are doing more harm than good in the world at this point.
Gassing smaller countries up to fight America's wars as proxies and then flooding them with weaponry is not a noble thing. It often backfires too.
The fact is, Israel is probably the least safe place for Jews to live. The USA (with the largest Jewish population outside of Israel), North America, and Europe are perhaps the safest now - and the ones Israelis are opting to live in rather than Israel. Let's spend our tax dollars making America great for all the people living here - including the 7-10 million Jews.
It's interesting to me how some of the most fanatical voices here in support or defense of Israel's bombing campaign mostly seem to be people living in America or Canada. Very peculiar. Why aren't they living there if that's the land they love so much? Why don't they go live there, and pay Israeli taxes, and fight in the IDF, rather than lecturing Americans about why they need to keep funding this? Or berating us for not being as Islamophobic as they'd like us to be.
A lot of the demands here to support Israel are really just demands to become as sensationally racist and Islamophobic as many of its zealots are, in casting all Palestinians as monsters and thus worthy of death. This article is a good example of this. It speaks nothing of the merits or wisdom of the current Israeli military tactics, or the long-term consequences these might have. It's just sensationalist tripe - aka 'atrocity porn' to get people to feel bad about speaking out about something that they know is wrong.
It's almost comical how many people lecture others for being 'anti-Semitic' and preach about stereotyping Jews... then proceed to give lengthy diatribes about how monstrous Arabs and Muslims are, and why they should be removed or displaced from the land Israel wishes to occupy, and why we should emphatically support this, lest we be labeled as anti-Semites.
And yes, there are other wars, and yes the US squanders money by backing other regimes with appalling human rights records too (like Saudi Arabia). But Israel, is by far, the most expensive budget item to the US taxpayer in terms of aid to a foreign country, so that's why it's being talked about (and criticized).