I've often wondered who's using who in this bizarre not-quite-alliance between the US and Israel. On one hand, Israel can very much be seen as a client state of the US, or an 'attack dog' for the US in the region. But on the other hand, Israel consistently violates the terms of the aid the US provides, and even expresses contempt at US 'meddling' when the US attempts to set condition on how the aid should be used.
I think a lot of Americans are really starting to realize just how much of our taxpayer money is flowing to Israel, and wondering if it's really a good 'investment' after all. I don't think Israel is really an 'ally' in the sense that many mistakenly believe it is. Ultimately, Israel acts in its own interest and often thumbs its nose with contempt at the US, despite all the aid that flows to it from American taxpayers.
Israel also knowingly attacked a US Navy vessel (USS Liberty). Apparently they didn't like the fact that it was collecting evidence of Israeli war crimes during the 6-day war, like the execution of Egyption POWs.
In addition to selling espionage and cyberweapon tools to hostile states and actors, Israel and Israeli companies meddle in US politics and elections: https://www.timesofisrael.com/expose-unmasks-israel-led-disinformation-team-that-meddled-in-dozens-of-elections/
With allies like this, who needs enemies?