It's easy to dismiss this as conspiratorial speculation with no real evidence. I don't personally believe that the US or Israel is 'pulling the strings' of ISIS or created it - at least directly.
But... as outlandish as this article's assertions come across, there is an element of truth to it in a way. The US and Israel absolutely DO contribute to the creation of terrorist groups, though indirectly and through extreme ignorance and reckless wanton militaristic policies.
They do it by inflicting intense violence and misery on the countries and people they invade and occupy and destroy (in the name of 'freedom' and 'democracy'). This drives resentment and (valid) hatred of the US and Israel to extreme levels and is a windfall for extremists groups recruiting efforts and propaganda.
The US and Israel are also very good at systematically laying waste to the areas they claim to be 'helping'. For example, Libya is irrefutably far worse off after the US-led intervention there to 'free' it. Gaza isn't faring any better.
Imagine a young man whose family has been killed in a drone strike and has no financial prospects or hope for the future living in a war-torn occupied territory. What is he to do when a recruiter reaches out and offers the chance to earn a bit of money and exact some vengeance on those that dropped bombs on his house, as well as glory and salvation by joining the ranks of the local ISIS affiliate? And at least instead of dying a victim of another drone strike at home, he can die a martyr for a cause!
So yeah, terrorism and terrorist cell recruiting has increased dramatically, especially in places like Afghanistan after 20 years of US military occupation and war. These US 'counter-terrorism' operations have been extremely effective in driving more young recruits to join terrorism's ranks. I'm sure the same thing is happening in Gaza.