It appears from your article and bio that you reside in Canada. Did someone treat you like a 'disease' and tell you to live there rather than your 'home' in Israel?
Have you considered leaving Canada and going 'home' to Israel if Canada is so alienating and hostile to you? That's what Herzl would have advocated for since clearly, it's futile trying to 'civilize' any of us non-Jews into 'accepting' Jews in countries that now have the largest Jewish populations (outside of Israel) living in peace.
Yet, we're still accosted for being 'anti-Semitic' and not being 'civilized' enough to 'accept' them due to our skepticism of an ideology based on the premise of them emigrating to return 'home'.
I'm genuinely confused. Which is it? Am I supposed to support an ideology of setting up a new country for all the Jews to be quarantined into, treating them like a 'disease' to be purged from the country? Or, am I supposed to be 'civilized' and 'accepting' of the idea of them living in peace among us?
It seems to me that it was in fact Herzl who regarded Jews as a 'disease', to be extricated from wherever they were currently residing and relocated to a foreign land.
I guess I'm an 'idiot' for not understanding why many Jews claim that Israel is their home, but opt to live in places Herzl claimed would be futile trying to 'civilize'. Or why many Jews are now leaving Israel for Europe and North America - the lands incapable of 'accepting' them.
Doesn't Zionism actually facilitate and enable anti-Semitism, by establishing a place for Jews to be told to "f*** off to" by actual anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi types and other bigots we've been striving to reign in? I don't see how this is conducive to aiding in the efforts to 'civilize' Europe or North America, or promoting and fostering a society of tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
It seems to me that if anything, the ideas of Theodor Herzl do nothing but re-enforce the notion that Jews don't 'belong' anywhere else BUT Zion/Israel.
Forgive my confusion. Perhaps I'm just an 'idiot' after all.