In a peculiar plot twist, I actually find myself coming to your defense on this one after reading the exchange you had with another reader here in the comments.
It's been my observation as well that except for a very vocal, loud, fanatical minority of Trump/MAGA acolytes who genuinely believe Trump is their Lord and Savior re-incarnate, most people hate both options. Harris restored some enthusiasm amongst democrats, but the overwhelming consensus I've noticed talking to people is: Neither party represents us.
I think Americans are waking up to the fact that our elections are largely a sham exercise in making people think they have a lot more influence and say in a system that no longer represents them, nor the common interests of most Americans, except for a very wealthy minority.
I also think this insane divisiveness is useful to those actually in charge, because not only does it make people feel important and like they're making a difference 'getting out there and voting', it also keeps average people focused on fighting each other over largely irrelevant 'wedge' and culture war issues.
The more people fight each other, the less likely they'll be to unite together to fight the actual people picking their pockets.
The fact is, most presidents are more alike than different, especially when it comes to major foreign policy and military intervention. Us military action and doctrine has remained largely consistent across presidents, regardless of the party. The continuity of the US Empire is too important a thing to put into the hands of the people.
The US policy on Israel is a good example of this. Who do you vote for if you wish to stop your tax dollars being used to ship bombs to Israel? Well... you don't have a candidate. Tough luck. How about if you wish to end other wasteful US military interventions in Africa? Can't vote for that either. Regardless of who you vote for, all of these will continue.
A good example of this was Obama. People assumed he would be less of a warmonger than Bush and wind things down. Instead drone strikes and military actions increased and significantly during his terms.
On the economy, both parties serve the same master, and that is unwavering fealty to capitalism. Both parties are just different sides of the same coin. You can have 'Blue' brand Capitalism or 'Red'. But you don't have the option to vote for anything other than unbridled, US Imperialism and capitalism. Both parties also pander to the same billionaires and corporations, and are both in all of their pockets.
Since neither party can (or is not willing) to front a candidate with ACTUAL meaningful differences than the other when it comes to questioning unfettered capitalism, or US military policy, they have to differentiate themselves by setting up bogus culture war issues to rally voters around, hence the inane focus on things like abortion, sexuality, prayer in schools... as well as scapegoating issues like immigration which secretly, neither party actually wants to 'solve' because its more useful as a political tool to bludgeon the other party with than it would be if the issue went away.
The other 'dirty secret' about immigration that most Americans don't want to admit is that exploiting migrant labor is a bedrock of our economy, 'legal' or otherwise. If Trump gets his way and deports all of the 'illegals' overnight, it would tear the bottom out of the economy. So, it's not likely to happen. The major corporations and contractors and agriculture businesses that lean heavily on a lot of the labor will make sure of that.
So yeah, these elections have become largely theatrics and slick productions to distract Americans, keep us all bickering, and lull us into thinking who you vote for actually matters. Instead of doing it the 'Russian' way where there's 1 candidate that gets 90% of the votes, the US just offers 2 'safe' options (that is, safe for the continuation of the interests of US imperialism). It doesn't matter to those actually in control and power who wins, despite all the talk of populism, draining the swamp, etc. Of course some think Trump is a loose cannon (and he is), but he's not really the one that is running that show either... he's just the 'brand ambassador' for an army of think tank wonks, policy advisors, and others working behind the scenes to bring about project 2025. Which is, 'more the same': Extreme Edition
Same with Harris who will bring us 'more the same': milquetoast edition.
In other words, it's the 'kinder, gentler' capitalists vs. the 'old-school traditional' capitalists. But either way, it's still capitalism, which is failing Americans regardless of which brand of it they pick.
So no, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't actually matter who you vote for. The system is set up intentionally in a way to not even allow a candidate that would actually offer anything radically different (like a true socialist - not 'liberals' that conservatives accuse of being 'communist'). We don't have anything like an actual Labor Party that truly represents the working class in the USA.
The only thing that matters is how much of your time you decide to waste straining over if/when/how to participate in this sham. Do you vote for the lesser evil? Protest vote for a 3rd party candidate? Don't vote at all?
It doesn't matter. No one you vote for is going to affect any meaningful real change. They literally can't. The system is set up that way.
But, people will get super emotional about this, and attack you for not choosing to pick one stinking turd to step in over the other. Instead of offering any actual substance, they run on simply not being the other candidate, and use manipulative guilt and shame tactics saying it will be your fault if X wins.
It's not your fault if X wins. It's the 'fault' of the 51% of the population's who decided to waste their time actually participating in this sham.
The thing that those in power fear most, is the sham falling apart and people not participating or falling for the 'lesser-evilism' trap where they are badgered into picking 1 of 2 things they vehemently oppose or have no interest in. That's why it's so insidious to be badgered into voting at all... ironically, it keeps the delusion going which works against any actual real, meaningful change, because everyone is so convinced that they're changing the world by standing in line to drop a piece of paper in a box, and can go home and not think about doing anything else. Problem solved.
I think its an outrage and a blight on our country that someone like Trump is even eligible to run. But, it's also a blight that the incumbent and their supporters are harassing/badgering people into participating in this 'freedom theater' sham too simply on merit of not being Trump.
"It's better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for something you don't want and get it" - Ted Grant
In this case, it's not even possible to vote for what I want because none of the candidates represent that. Why be badgered into voting at all when I'm going to get something I don't want either way? I'd rather have the clear conscious of not voting for anything I disagree with (which is both options in this case).
Why waste my time playing someone else's lose-lose game they've rigged up, and which they benefit from the more people play?
And no, it won't be my fault when Trump or Harris wins. It will be the fault of those who don't realize they're helping to perpetuate a sham of 'performative democracy', or 'electorial theatrics' by voting either way.