I'm also staying away from Israeli products and devices. Apparently they're very dangerous with a propensity for exploding on command. This isn't the first time either. Bomb-rigged electronics ar a favorite tactic of Israel.
Israel is also a player in the medical device space too, which is concerning. What's next? Exploding pacemakers?
What Israel has actually done, is given consumers the best reason yet to back the BDS movement and boycott Israeli goods. What guarantees are there that their booby-traps don't get mixed up with the products intended for the general public? Why take that risk?
I don't think it's worth the risk, especially in a market full of options from other countries that don't typically intentionally rig consumer electronics with explosives. I'd rather buy Chinese. Their electronics might spy on me, but at least they haven't blown my arm off yet.
And what's to say that a civilian sitting on a bus next to an Israeli soldier is not also merely 'collateral damage'? Using your logic, the civilians killed on Oct. 7 were all just collateral damage that were 'in the way' of the soldiers that were targeted. Perhaps its the IDF soldiers' faults for having family members, and surrounding themselves with children and loved ones too, thus putting them in danger.
Considering that Israel has compulsory military service, every male that could be, is or was in the IDF is a valid 'enemy combatant' (again, using the same logic). If we're to take such cavalier attitude and celebratory stance towards violence, why should I care about dead Israeli civilians that get caught up in the 'action' any more than you care about dead Lebanese children or doctors (many of whom were also victims of the exploding pagers)?
Israel - if it wants to be respected as a legitimate member of the international community - should be held to a higher standard than 'terrorist state'. And yet, they're acting increasingly like the rogue terrorist states and groups we're supposedly trying to defend the world against - using US tax dollars and weaponry to do it.
I'm curious if this author would be as awestruck and full of wonder and joy at the brilliance and sophistication of hiding bombs in electronics if say - it was a cassette tape player in the 80's on his flight to Detroit...
What brilliance! What genius! What audacity! Yes, hiding explosives in consumer electronics is a noble military tradition of distinguished nations. I mean, after all, if it's good enough for Israel, then hats off to the Lockerbie bombers and Qadafi's Libya for the pioneering contributions they too made in the study of explosives-laden electronics embedded amongst civilian targets. But hey, there were some CIA guys on board and probably a soldier of some sort too, so it's all valid and legitimate I guess...
This article is comical in its unabashed glee for violence, war, and terror tactics. Israel is digging itself into yet another hole it can't get out of without the aid of its American backers and with these dastardly actions its hemorrhaging allies and support - not that it had many to begin with anyways.