I think this is wildly inaccurate. The US didn't 'crush' the Nazis. Yes, the allies defeated Germany in WW2 - and predominately the USSR. The USSR bore the brunt of the conflict with the Nazis, and suffered the most casualties on the Eastern front. The Soviets took Berlin, not the US. If anything, the Soviets did the bulk of the 'crushing'.
But more importantly, WW2 did not defeat 'Nazis'. Nazis and Nazi ideology is very alive and well. You can't kill an ideology.
The military state of Germany in WW2 presented a clear, traditional military objective (unlike vague notions of 'terrorism' today). The Nazi state was defeated, but not Nazi-ism, and not the ideology of one race or religion being superior to another, or forming its own homeland, or obsession with racial and/or ethnic purity. That's very alive and well, and something Israel seems to be flirting with too, which I think is very dangerous. Netenyahu in many way exhibits fascist tendencies, as does Trump. Trump won the election this week partly due to pandering to racist and white supremacists, and normalizing xenophobic sentiments that had long been relegated to the sidelines of the mainstream.
Far from defeating Nazi-ism and right-wing ideologies focused on the superiority or supremacy of 1 culture, race or religion, the US is nurturing it and providing a fertile ground for its strengthening. I think Israel has issues with this as well, especially given its far-right leadership.
Furthermore, ISIS grew and expanded BECAUSE of the chaos the US brought to the region with it's ill-advised and idiotic invasion of Iraq. Yet again, ISIS was in many ways a product of US destabilization. Yes, ISIS was eventually rooted out of its strongholds in the Middle East and weakened there, but its various affiliates are alive and well today (and have expanded to places like Afghanistan and Africa).
Terror activity and organizing - including ISIS - is up significantly since the US 'war on terror' began in 2001. These groups have made inroads into Africa as well, feeding on the contempt and hatred the US has sowed with its invasions and occupations as powerful recruitment tool for a new generation of 'radicals'.
ISIS most certainly was not defeated. Nor was Nazi-ism and far-right ideologies. In some ways, these are very similar ideologies sharing similar fanaticism and obsession with maintaining the 'purity' of one's religion, creating ethno-states, etc. Judaism has its extreme right-wing fanatics as well. This is not solely an 'Islam' or Arab problem or phenomenon.
Furthermore, domestic and 'home-grown' religious terrorism is an increasing threat in Israel and the US as well. It was a Jewish extremist/terrorist driven by Jewish extremist ideology that murdered Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1992 - not Islamic terrorists or fundamentalists.
In fact, most of the terrorism in the US has been committed by domestic right-wing types, with nothing to do with Islam (for example, the Oklahoma city bombing in 1995). Endless wars in the middle east against Islamic actors does little to prevent these. In fact, many of these domestic agitators encourage these wars as they fit into their extremist ideologies and fantasies of crusades against other religions and cultures. I'm sure a similar risk exists in Israel where a portion of those calling far war do so not out of genuine security concerns, but rather to fulfill ancient blood feuds, racial hatred, supremacy, expansionist ideologies, etc.
My guess is that this war Israel is fighting now will do little more than make things worse, not only for the Palestinians, but for Israel and the rest of the region. Sure, Israel can occupy Gaza again and indefinitely. But that does nothing to fundamentally address the root causes that incite people to terrorism and will in fact only result in more.
The war also provides a political climate that allows domestic agitators and extremists to grow in power and influence, further exacerbating the situation and making the security situation worse for everyone.
Of course, there's also the interests of those invested in the defense industry who profit from endless wars to consider as well... Where do their interests lie, and how much power do they wield as an industry making up significant portions of both the US and Israeli GDP? I think these are extremists in their own right too, always pushing for war because it's such a profitable business model.