I find it ironic that this commenter has published his conversion story titled: "Why I've become a Zionist in 2024"
Of course the self-proclaimed Zionist is going to call everyone else who refuses to 'convert' as he did an 'anti-Semite'.
Kind of reminds me of the Americans who get indoctrinated by ISIS propaganda, and start then working against the ideals of a free secular society to promote theocratic, fundamentalist authoritarianism. News flash: Judaism has its fanatics as well, the ranks of which the commenter has apparently been recruited to.
One group of fundamentalists wants a Caliphate; the other their Zion.
Perhaps one of the underlying contributing factors to this conflict is the archaic desire to establish, defend and back religious theocracies, rather than secular states that allow for religious freedom, equal rights, and equal representation for all.
I think the commenter's decision to throw his support behind one particular flavor of religious fundamentalism to supposedly defend against another is disappointing.
Islamic fundamentalism is not going to be defeated by backing Jewish fundamentalism. It will only perpetuate the ongoing death and destruction that we are witnessing now.
Instead of falling for the 'lesser-evilism' trap as this commenter apparently has by voicing his support for a particular strain of religious fanaticism, it is fanaticism of all strains that we must speak out against.
That does not make one 'anti-semitic'. What's anti-semitic is backing an ideology that was originally founded to justify the violent establishment of a dumping ground for Jewish refugees that American and European imperialists didn't want 'adulterating' their Christian cultures.
The choice is not between Hamas or Zionism (or Christian fundamentalists for that matter). This is a false choice. The real choice is between non-discriminatory democratic societies with secular governance vs tyrannical religious theocracies that will inevitably establish a caste society where 1 'chosen' religion lords over the gentiles/infidels/non-believers as 2nd-class citizens; apartheid along religious lines.
Condemning the policies of the Israeli state currently in the grips a fanatical right-wing government is NOT anti-semitism. This regime does immense harm to Jews as well, as evidenced by the thousands of brave Israelis and those of the Jewish faith around the world that have protested Netenyahu's corrupt rule, as well as forced conscription and Israel's increasingly destructive and provocative military actions that threaten a wider regional conflict.