I can certainly understand how the 'need' for a separate, Jewish state might have been a strong argument in the 1940's, especially after the Holocaust. However, I think the insistence on maintaining a separate country with a separate Jewish identity for their 'safety' is largely misguided now, and does more harm to Jews than good.
The United States is home to the largest population of Jews outside of Israel (between 7 to 9 million). As far as I know, there is no credible effort among the American public to systematically exterminate them. In fact, they are most often successful, respected and prominent members of society.
The same is true in Canada, across Europe, and many other countries as well.
The very ironic (and tragic) thing is that the Zionist ideology of forming a separate state based solely on Jewish religious identity has led to perhaps the 1 place that is the LEAST safe for Jews.
The fact that Jews are now safer in almost any other place except Israel is the main reason why I think perhaps it was a flawed idea in the long run.
Furthermore, Israelis - many of whom hold dual citizenship to European countries or the US - are opting to leave Israel due to the war and relocate to places they realize are safer than Israel for them.
This proves that:
1) Yes, Jews can live in peace in many parts of the world
2) Not everyone in the world is obsessed with 'murdering' Jews.
3) Religious theocracies and ethno-states are not necessary to preserve the rights of citizens, including Jews. In fact, they seem to do more harm
4) The push for a religious group to have their 'own' government is antithetical to the principles of government where the vast majority of Jews live in peace throughout the world - and one of the primary causes of conflict between religious and ethnic groups
5) Perhaps its time for the land of Israel to 're-brand' as something a bit more tolerant and inclusive and less focused on maintaining solely a Jewish national Identity. That seems to be a better recipe for peace, as proven by the millions of Jews that choose to live in other countries other than Israel.
Israel might not need my permission to defend itself, but it certainly gets a good chunk of my tax dollars to do so (several billions a year). I'm totally fine with Israel not consulting me about their policies - I just wish my own tax money didn't go to a foreign country I don't have any say in, and who cares little for my opinion anyways.
An increasing number of Americans are starting to feel the same. Why pay for bombs for the 'Jewish state' to drop on Palestinians, when we could use that money to take care of our own citizens - including the 7 - 9 million Jewish citizens who we live peacefully with (well, except for gun violence, but that's a whole other issue that affects all Americans regardless of religion)