I always get nervous at the thought of backing financially (whether willingly or involuntary through my taxes) regimes/governments/foreign entities that do not have the same concept of separation of church/state that many secular countries have and want to make states/countries based on religion.
Biblical/scripture quotes supposedly with mandates from god blah blah
Sounds a lot like a caliphate to me.. What's the difference between a Jewish theocratic state that Zionists advocate for and a caliphate? Both seem based on scripture that glorifies killing/subjugating gentiles/infidels to accomplish the conquest of the land god promised them thousands of years ago .... or some such nonsense. 2 sides of the same fanatic/extremist coin.
Is it anti-semitic to say I don't think we as the US taxpayer should be financing or giving money/weapons to any of these 'groups' or 'movements'?
Some of the rhetoric I hear coming from Israeli ministers like Smotrich and Ben Gvir... holy cow. Crazy stuff. It's like Jewish Jihadism. Netenyahu too. Sometimes I can't tell if its Hamas or an Israeli cabinet minister talking because it's all the same pro-ethnic cleansing 'from the river to the sea' type rhetoric that everyone is upset at Hamas for using. But then, surprise: it's also the campaign slogan of the Likud party...
Is it anti-semitic to say I think these guys are deranged religious fanatic lunatics? Obviously this is not representative of all Jewish people. But then again, neither is Jihad representative of all Muslim people.
I think perhaps many Palestinians descended from those displaced in the Nakba aren't all that interested 'to kill all Jews on this planet'. They probably just would like to return to their farms/homes that they lost to Israeli settlement and expansion, much of it still ongoing (and illegal) as a deliberate tactic to ensure that Palestine can never get their own state like Israel claims a 'right' to have.