Here's a funny story:
There's a commenter here who accuses the author of this article of 'anti-semitism'.
I replied to his comment pointing out that he had authored this (and giving him the courtesy of driving traffic to his article):
For the sake of brevity, I won't re-post my full original reply to his comment, but I made the usual points that siding with religious extremism of one kind is not a good response to counter extremism of another kind, and that criticisms of the policies of the state of Israel are not 'anti-semitic'.
Many of the Jewish faith in Israel and around the world have spoken out against the torture and rape this article details, as well as the military actions of the state of Israel. Israelis themselves have been protesting against Netenyahu's corruption, even prior to October 7th.
So... he immediately insta-blocked me and deleted my response. I guess Zionist trolls are a touchy, prickly bunch in the face of criticism and rebuttals.
I'm leaving this here to save others the time of engaging or responding to a commenter who will likely simply block you and remove your comment if he doesn't like it.
Perhaps this is their idea of 'free speech'. I'm not sure.
What I find admirable is that the author of this article has left the comment up for all the world to see instead of insta-blocking as the 'Zionist' is wont to do. This is yet another example of the experiences I've had engaging with authors such as this who have the courage to challenge western media narratives, vs self-proclaimed Zionist trolls.
Particularly amusing is the fact that this same self-proclaimed Zionist commenter also published this about trolls:
There's some real gems of wisdom in here, about dealing with criticism as a writer, "pussies" (the commenters words, not mine) etc. etc.
Oh, the irony!
Anyways... Great article! Thanks for helping to point out the glaring biases with which the western media is covering this conflict.