Fantastic article! I really appreciate how you point out the propaganda in all of this - especially this absurd framing of Israel as the 'righteous' party fighting 'evil'. This serves the interests of those profiting from the endless war and conflict.
We absolutely should be questioning the American and Israeli narratives. I believe that this conflict is much larger than just Israel vs. Hamas as the propagandists would have us believe. It's about US imperialism, in an unholy alliance with Zionism waging a campaign o conquest of territory and resources - a conflict which ultimately everyone is sacrificed for the profits/gains of a ruling class.
I appreciate how you also point out the systemic oppression of the Palestinians by a regional power (backed by an even more powerful US).
The point you made in your last paragraph is excellent too. I think we're in one of those moments of history now that people in the future will look back on and ask: Would I have fallen for the imperial propaganda and help make excuses for the ongoing genocide - or would I have called it out and fought against it?
Thanks for writing this. It's an excellent counter to a lot of the other pro-Zionist nonsense on here trying to rationalize and explain away the mass bombing of Gaza as 'collateral damage' or somehow warranted.
The blatant and open attempts to dehumanize Palestinians is appalling and terrifying, because that's how people are groomed to accept - and even defend - atrocities.