Ryli Dunlap
1 min readApr 5, 2024


Excellent article! Really enjoyed reading this and I think you're spot on about Zionism being in its death throes. It's not a sustainable ideology, and Israel's security situation is increasingly untenable, along with the rising domestic unrest and tumultuous political situation.

I see a lot of similar things happening in the US where I live too. I think in many ways, the US is also an empire in decline with mounting domestic crises as well as international ones. Obviously the US and Israel are very different in many ways as far as their demographics, but there are a lot of similarities too between the Zionist ideology/mindset and what I call the 'myth of America'. Both countries have very similar mindsets I think when it comes to a 'settler' mentality, ambitions of territorial expansion, fraught relations with the people/cultures that were displaced by this territorial expansion, etc.

Looking forward to reading more of your articles as I find the time.



Ryli Dunlap

Aspiring writer. Recovering programmer. Many opinions — some unpopular. I unload them here. Blog: https://pontifi.co Dance/Music: https://rylito.com