As far as the Israel analogy, Israel could simply retreat back to Israel from all of the areas it has invaded and occupied since Oct. 7.
Equating "stand your ground" with the war in Gaza is kind of silly, because Israel has now gone on the offensive and is attacking Gaza (not to mention Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Yemen). This isn't "stand your ground", but rather the doctrine of "take the fight to your enemy".
I think the analogy/comparison to US civil law breaks down here, because neither "Stand Your Ground" nor "Duty to Retreat" gives private citizens the right to track an assailant to their point of origin and then drop bombs on that residence relentlessly in the hopes that all the city's criminals are killed or surrender.
That's more the domain of law enforcement - and even they typically don't engage in aerial bombardment of residential buildings. (well, except in Philly):