Ah yes. Those who do not believe in God must provide 'positive justification'... Yet believers conveniently do not hold themselves to their own demands of needing to provide positive proof of the existence of a God. In fact, lack of proof is a FEATURE (not a flaw) according to them because it allows for the whole exercise of 'faith' as some sort of cultish loyalty test. How convenient...
That's a really nifty little rhetorical trick religion has used for thousands of years to absolve itself of the burden of proof and instead demand that it is those that don't believe that must give 'justification' for the non-existence of something that can't be proven in the first place - which is of course a fool's errand.... And one of the first things you learn as a student of formal logic.
You can't prove the non-existence of God (or the tooth fairy, or Santa Clause). However, this does not count as proof of their existence either.
Berating atheists for not being able to prove what religion cannot either is silly.
Religion can claim to have all kinds of answers. But they're meaningless without proof of God. Without proof, there's just nothing useful there either. It might as well be fan fiction written throughout the ages by those who had much to gain by using it as a mechanism by which to control the masses and instill in them traditions of obedience and deference to authority.
What an amateurish little trick. It's amazing it's worked for so long.