9/11 was far worse in terms of total deaths and property damage. Calling Oct. 7 the 'most savage in modern history' is a questionable hyperbole, and highly subjective. All terrorism is savage, by intent/design.
But, more importantly, I think you're mischaracterizing those that criticize Israel or Zionism as 'illogical' or 'leftists'.
I think there's nuance being glossed over as well by using the term 'basically justified'. There are those that do openly praise Hamas. I acknowledge that. But, I think even if one does not praise Hamas, or condone it, it is straightforward to understand how it came about, and why terrorists choose to take the actions they take. Just because Hamas is wicked, does not mean Israel is righteous or infallible in its actions either.
In addition, there are very logical reasons to criticize Israel's actions prior to and after Oct. 7 that have nothing to do with supporting Hamas and come more from a purely military/tactical concern for the safety of Israelis.
For example, why was the border weak and easily breached by Hamas in the first place? Why were the warnings of the border guards ignored? And if Israel is struggling as it is to defend its existing borders, what sense does it make to attempt to expand them at this point into Lebanon? Is that not more border surface area that must now be defended? A larger attack surface? Would military resources be better spent securing existing borders rather than trying to expand them by creating 'buffer zones' in Southern Lebanon? Is terrorism going to decline by killing even more civilians?
Then, there's an entire analysis on whether or not Zionism itself is a flawed ideology which can only result in ever-increasing violence. Failing to analyze this I think is just as blind as those you accuse of being 'reductionist'.
All of these criticisms come from a tactical/strategic analysis, and have nothing to do with loving or hating Hamas. I think you're being the reductionist one by lashing out towards anyone who criticizes Israel and labeling them as 'leftists' or 'woke' or illogical or whatever.